
Type: coverage


Property Description Type Reference
is-included coverage/tariff-option is included in the product boolean /coverage/is-included
deductible deductible for given coverage(bundle) or product /definitions/money
sum-insured max. amount insured by the coverage(bundle) /definitions/money
contained-in products a coverage is contained in array /coverage/contained-in
covers array /coverage/covers
payment-interval payment interval of annuity/allowance /definitions/temporal-interval
payment-period overall payment period for annuity/allowance in months /definitions/nonnegative-integer
amount-per-interval amount of an annuity/allowance per payment-interval /definitions/money
waiting-time waiting time for coverage(bundle) in days /definitions/nonnegative-integer
eligibility-period period in which the benefits are eligible /definitions/temporal-interval
reimbursement-amount amount of expenses reimbursed by insurance /definitions/money
reimbursement-percentage percentage of expenses reimbursed by insurance /definitions/percentage


    "$id": "",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "is-included": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "coverage/tariff-option is included in the product"
        "deductible": {
            "description": "deductible for given coverage(bundle) or product",
            "$ref": "definitions.json#/money"
        "sum-insured": {
            "description": "max. amount insured by the coverage(bundle)",
            "$ref": "definitions.json#/money"
        "contained-in": {
            "type": "array",
            "description": "products a coverage is contained in",
            "items": {
                "$ref": "product.json"
        "covers": {
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "description": "damages that are covered",
                "$ref": "damage.json"
        "payment-interval": {
            "description": "payment interval of annuity/allowance",
            "$ref": "definitions.json#/temporal-interval"
        "payment-period": {
            "$ref": "definitions.json#/nonnegative-integer",
            "description": "overall payment period for annuity/allowance in months"
        "amount-per-interval": {
            "description": "amount of an annuity/allowance per payment-interval",
            "$ref": "definitions.json#/money"
        "waiting-time": {
            "description": "waiting time for coverage(bundle) in days",
            "$ref": "definitions.json#/nonnegative-integer"
        "eligibility-period": {
            "description": "period in which the benefits are eligible",
            "$ref": "definitions.json#/temporal-interval"
        "reimbursement-amount": {
            "description": "amount of expenses reimbursed by insurance",
            "$ref": "definitions.json#/money"
        "reimbursement-percentage": {
            "description": "percentage of expenses reimbursed by insurance",
            "$ref": "definitions.json#/percentage"